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Ride Leader(s)
Nancy Ball
C Pace Group
6138760459 (c)
Marc Sandaluk
A Pace Group
6137704361 (c)
Kimberly Sandaluk
B Pace Group
613.770.4367 (c)
Monica Parry
D Pace Group
613-532-1021 (c)
Saddle Up Sundays
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
40 Total Slots
40 Available Slot(s)
About this event
RWGPS Route Links
The Routes Come saddle up out of Sydenham this week. The routes go west out to Petworth, and beyond. They do NOT include the Desert Lake Loop. The routes do include some wonderfully smooth long segments that the A and B folks should enjoy for pacelining.
- the A and B routes are 100% on paved surfaces
- the C and D routes have some short stretches on the Cataraqui and K&P Trails (including, on the D route, a crossing of the wonderful old trestle bridge when leaving Yarker)
Early Registration and Car Pooling In order to facilitate restaurant planning, ride leader organizing and possible car pooling (and thereby lessen the Club's carbon footprint), we would like to ask you to register early in the week if possible. Our thought is if your neighbor or friend sees early in the week that you are riding, they may consider reaching out to you to organize a carpool. Change your mind about riding? No problem. Our planning is quite flexible.
Pace Groups When registering, be sure to indicate your preferred pace group:
- the short and medium routes will generally be ridden at a D or C pace
- the long and extra long routes will generally be ridden at a B or A pace
After Ride Refreshments After the ride, Lenny's Deli will welcome us for lunch or other refreshments.
Some Sydenham Trivia Feel like an ice cream cone or coffee to finish off your visit to Sydenham? Head into Trousdale's, Canada's oldest general store. It's now a treasure trove of both old and modern goods. And if you're relaxing outside the store, note the Grains & Goods Bakery across the street. They bake some of the most awesome bread you'll find anywhere in the world. Although they won't be open on Sunday, they do distribute their goods at Tara Foods and the Memorial Centre farmers' market on certain days.
Ride Preparation Riders should be familiar with Ontario's Safe Cycling Guidelines, and bring the following with them on the ride:
- a cell phone (if available), with the app "what3words" installed
- a copy of the ride route (downloaded to a mobile device or printed)
- a spare tube, pump and repair kit
- sufficient hydration and nutrition
- health card
- document showing address and emergency contact information
The Saddle up Sundays Program Saddle Up Sundays aims to offer a Sunday cycling outing for all levels of riders on a varied collection of the most scenic and the safest country roads close to Kingston. The rides include stops at the best coffee shops along the way, and finish up with refreshments at some great restaurants. We’re a work in progress, so please feel free to suggest modifications to our program.
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